"Welcome Beautiful Ones"

DGWOS is not a page where we bash, hate, use foul language, or tear down one's character through jealousy and envy. It is a page designed to inspire, to celebrate, to encourage and to promote self-love. This page wants to catapult you into a stronger and better you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Throughout the month, seasoned "Women of Substance" will share their experiences and thoughts to remind you that you are the diamond that God has intended for you to be. Please note: we are not psychiatrists or psychologists, nor do we profess to be perfect; but what we are, are women, mothers and grandmothers, who have been through the trials and errors of life and now want to help guide you through the same, if you choose to accept our views as you travel on this same wonderful journey called life. As a follower we only have two requests: 1) you share this blog with others and 2) strive every day to be the best you, you can be.
Ladies, let this blog be the reflection of what true, exquisite diamonds look like.

Peace and Love....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Don't Doubt Yourself"

Happy Sunday - Sisters, I hope your weekend has been good. The weather was gorgeous, and the sun was shining bright. For us to be soon entering into November, I would say the Lord has been gracious to us with the weather.

For the past two weeks, I have been sharing with you my excitement about becoming an Entrepreneur. Well would you believe, this morning, my mind began to play tricks on me (translation; I started to doubt myself) - you don't know what you are doing; you won't be able to run a business; you're not in the right location. I wrestled with those thoughts all morning up until the time I went to church. Like always though, when things bother me, and when the enemy of soul begins to vex me sore, I turn to God for guidance.

As my son and I sat and listened to the Praise and Worship, I begin to hand over my fears and doubts to God, so that I could refocus. And wouldn't you know it, when the Preacher got up to preach, he began talking about how we were uniquely created, and that we had something special inside of us. We were great like diamonds. By the time he said the word diamonds about three or four times, I knew God was answering my prayer.

What are you saying, you may ask? Simply this: never doubt yourself. If God placed a vision, whatever that vision is, in your spirit for you to do, know that He is with you every step of the way; even when you don't quite understand which way things are going to go.

As a little girl, I used to hear the Mothers of the church say: trust in God and never doubt, and He will surely bring you out. Don't doubt yourself sisters, no matter what it looks like.

In closing, I leave you with this scripture to meditate on this week: Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ...Phillipians 1:6

Peace & Love....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had so much fun that day with moma cookie. Love u so so much. U think ur doing something now. Hah u have not seen nothing yet. Those saith the Lord.