"Welcome Beautiful Ones"

DGWOS is not a page where we bash, hate, use foul language, or tear down one's character through jealousy and envy. It is a page designed to inspire, to celebrate, to encourage and to promote self-love. This page wants to catapult you into a stronger and better you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Throughout the month, seasoned "Women of Substance" will share their experiences and thoughts to remind you that you are the diamond that God has intended for you to be. Please note: we are not psychiatrists or psychologists, nor do we profess to be perfect; but what we are, are women, mothers and grandmothers, who have been through the trials and errors of life and now want to help guide you through the same, if you choose to accept our views as you travel on this same wonderful journey called life. As a follower we only have two requests: 1) you share this blog with others and 2) strive every day to be the best you, you can be.
Ladies, let this blog be the reflection of what true, exquisite diamonds look like.

Peace and Love....

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Root Cause

Happy Friday Beautiful Ones.  Today I was thinking of roots and vines.  Roots as you know can grow as deep as a tree is tall.  When vines grow they twist and wind or twine for lack of a better word.  I don't know why these two words jumped out at me, but this is what I thought about.

Sometimes the things that lie inside of us have ways of coming out no matter how much we try to hide them.  When certain buttons are pushed or certain situations happen; here they come, spilling out everywhere.  People all around you begin to look and point fingers and question; who are you, really.  Where is all of this coming from?  It's coming from within.

There are some things inside of us that are deep rooted - some positive and some negative.   But the roots of bitterness, hatred and malice, will show themselves every time.  These roots take hold of our souls and begin to sprout out in different areas of our lives.  These roots, like vines, if not removed, begin to spread and intertwine throughout our life and choke out any good thing that can happen to us or for us.  These roots are so strong and powerful that they can even stifle the positive root from growing.

So the question remains, "What can we do to get rid of those negative roots?"  Only one thing:  Uproot it.  Once this is done, find that positive root and begin to nourish it with all of the things that strengthen you and are good for you.  Your nourishment should be gentleness, kindness, love and compassion.  If you constantly nourish your roots with  these things, they will be healthy and strong.  Matter of fact, everything about you will be different - your smile, your conversation and your countenance.  You will be like a magnet: people will want to be around you instead of away from you.

Get to the root of the cause.

Peace and Love...

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