"Welcome Beautiful Ones"

DGWOS is not a page where we bash, hate, use foul language, or tear down one's character through jealousy and envy. It is a page designed to inspire, to celebrate, to encourage and to promote self-love. This page wants to catapult you into a stronger and better you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Throughout the month, seasoned "Women of Substance" will share their experiences and thoughts to remind you that you are the diamond that God has intended for you to be. Please note: we are not psychiatrists or psychologists, nor do we profess to be perfect; but what we are, are women, mothers and grandmothers, who have been through the trials and errors of life and now want to help guide you through the same, if you choose to accept our views as you travel on this same wonderful journey called life. As a follower we only have two requests: 1) you share this blog with others and 2) strive every day to be the best you, you can be.
Ladies, let this blog be the reflection of what true, exquisite diamonds look like.

Peace and Love....

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Am I My Sisters' Keeper?"

Happy Monday Morning Ladies - This morning I woke up with my soul stirring, which means, I have to write. That's how it hits me. When things move me, I begin to place it on paper, or whatever my canvas is.

Last night, while out with loved one, we saw the phenomonally done (Kudos to Tyler Perry),
"For Colored Girls". As I sat and watched, along with other women, the harsh realities of these women's lives; I thought to myself, everyone of them at some part in my life, I have been. I identified with each one. Maybe not to the letter, but to some degree.

When the movie was over, I walked away feeling free, and with a sense of awareness when it comes to us as women. We are, even though this was "For Colored Girls", truly, our sisters' keeper, no matter what race, color or creed. The life that was portrayed on the screen, is happening everywhere, and in some way, we are connected.

If you think it is imperative for us as a people to stay connected to help those who don't realize they need help, it is detrimental, when we choose to turn a deaf ear. Phyllicia Rashaad in the movie was the character that I most identified with. She was the women who I can say, I have seen many times in my life. She was the woman who was my saving grace at times, even when I didn't want to hear her words. When I was being totally rebellious against what my mother had instilled in me. What I knew was right, but chose to take a different route.

I know you must be thinking, what does all of that, that you are writing have to do with anything. Simply this, "We Are Our Sisters' Keeper". Love someone enough to be transparent, to help them. Tell your story, open their eyes, be that mother, that sister, that wise one, because whether we want to admit it or not, we are all connected. If you are functioning in this thing called life, then you know, that no color, no status, no title, no education, no position, can stop what life brings.

In closing,I leave you with this question, Am I my sisters' keeper, or am I her adversary.

Have a great day today. Peace and Love...

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