"Welcome Beautiful Ones"

DGWOS is not a page where we bash, hate, use foul language, or tear down one's character through jealousy and envy. It is a page designed to inspire, to celebrate, to encourage and to promote self-love. This page wants to catapult you into a stronger and better you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Throughout the month, seasoned "Women of Substance" will share their experiences and thoughts to remind you that you are the diamond that God has intended for you to be. Please note: we are not psychiatrists or psychologists, nor do we profess to be perfect; but what we are, are women, mothers and grandmothers, who have been through the trials and errors of life and now want to help guide you through the same, if you choose to accept our views as you travel on this same wonderful journey called life. As a follower we only have two requests: 1) you share this blog with others and 2) strive every day to be the best you, you can be.
Ladies, let this blog be the reflection of what true, exquisite diamonds look like.

Peace and Love....

Friday, October 15, 2010

PPTP (Push Past the Pain)

Happy Friday Sistahs – This week has been such a busy week, but I am so grateful that the weekend is here – woohooo!!! Do you guys have any plans for the weekend? Aside from the interview I have tomorrow, I have football, and then I’m going to Del State’s homecoming to celebrate with my nephew. I’ll be tired, but it will be worth it.

Today I want to share, “pushing past the pain”. Yesterday, my baby son, got braces, and as the day went on, he began to feel the pain of having them on. As I did what mommas do; trying to make his adjustment comfortable, this thought came to me. In life, there are times, when adjustments have to come for a far, more greater purpose. Sometimes these adjustments are very uncomfortable when first starting out, to the point, you are questioning why you even begun the journey in the first place; but if you really stop and think about it, you know why you started; you saw the end result. Now here’s where the pain comes in; trying to get to that end result. Where we start, and where we want to be, is a process – Lawd have mercy!!!

As my son was preparing for school this morning, the look was all over his face – I’m in pain. Again, I did what us mommas do, to make him comfortable; but this time, I shared these words of wisdom with him: “This is only a temporal situation, and in a few days, the pain will subside, and when this process is over, you will have a million dollar smile. So baby, you are going to have to push past the pain. In the meantime though, take this Aleve – lol.” Although it seems humorous, it’s what I had to do, to get him past that moment, and to get him to refocus on why he has braces.

In closing, if you are questioning why you started something that will eventually help make things better for you in the long run; be it weight loss (my forever battle), committing to a better you, exercising (another battle of mine), whatever it is, as there are so many things that we can choose from, girlfriends, “push past the pain”. Say to yourself, “this is just a process, that I have to get through. What I am doing, will work to my advantage, eventually”. I KNOW THAT’S RIGHT!!! Sometimes, we have to encourage ourselves, despite what we see, feel or even hear.

I hope you have a great rest of the day, and that you have a wonderful weekend, whatever it is you choose to do. And remember, push past the pain. Peace & Love…

1 comment:

Jackie Seldon said...

Thank you so much Cookie. I am so grateful that God turned what others saw as a mess into a message and hope for so many young women. My children are a reflection of His grace and mercy. The Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center could not exist except for our wonderful volunteers and a host of churches and community members who generously give.