"Welcome Beautiful Ones"

DGWOS is not a page where we bash, hate, use foul language, or tear down one's character through jealousy and envy. It is a page designed to inspire, to celebrate, to encourage and to promote self-love. This page wants to catapult you into a stronger and better you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Throughout the month, seasoned "Women of Substance" will share their experiences and thoughts to remind you that you are the diamond that God has intended for you to be. Please note: we are not psychiatrists or psychologists, nor do we profess to be perfect; but what we are, are women, mothers and grandmothers, who have been through the trials and errors of life and now want to help guide you through the same, if you choose to accept our views as you travel on this same wonderful journey called life. As a follower we only have two requests: 1) you share this blog with others and 2) strive every day to be the best you, you can be.
Ladies, let this blog be the reflection of what true, exquisite diamonds look like.

Peace and Love....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"A Beautiful Countenance"

It’s Self Love Tuesday – People normally don’t associate the word grudge with self-love, but I like to beg the differ; holding grudges does affect our love, for self. When you hold on to grudges, it changes your countenance. And for most of us, having the appearance of a beautiful countenance is important. Everyday, we put on our make-up (MAC, Clinique, Fashion Fair, Covergirl, or whatever you wear) to enhance our countenance, and to cover up blemishes. And as much as I love make-up, the one thing I’ve learned, that it can’t enhance or cover up, is a bitter heart. Holding on to things that happened 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago, will affect you, whether you realize it or not, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically; and haven’t you encountered people who are still holding onto things; their disposition is so unattractive, no matter how pretty they are. It’s like they relive what the person(s) have done to them every day; and 9 times out of 10, the person(s) that we are still angry with, have moved on with their lives. The sad thing is, the only one who hasn’t moved on, and who it’s still affecting, is us. Each day we wake up with that grudge still on the inside of us, we are choosing to let it change our personality, our attitude, and our appearance. So, love yourself enough today, to release whatever grudges that you have been holding on to, and walk in freedom. If you haven’t done it yet, start today. Forgive those people, and let them go for your peace of mind sake. Smile girl, because you are free inside and out, and your countenance shows it and can’t no make-up hide that. Peace & Love..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is both beautiful and thought provoking Cook.